

Welcome to Tony Marston's Web Site

Some personal opinions on aspects of Uniface

Download details
1 UNIFACE and the N-Tier Architecture (v2.0)
2 A separate application model for the Presentation Layer Sample code (186 KB zipped)
3 Some ways to use Non Modal forms
4 3 Tiers, 2 Models, and XML Streams
(updated 27th June 2002)
Sample code (235 KB zipped)
5 Technical Keys - Their Uses and Abuses
(updated 7th March 2001)
6 The Power of Component Templates
(updated 1st March 2003)
7 Error/Message Handling for self-contained services included in my Building Blocks
8 Component Design - Large and Complex vs. Small and Simple
9 A Flexible Tree Structure included in my Building Blocks
10 Using Nodes in a Tree Structure to provide Record-Level Security
11 Using Nodes in a Tree Structure to generate Nominal Codes
12 Building a Rule Based Calculation Engine with Customisable Formulae
13 Creating an Audit Log with an online viewing facility included in my Building Blocks
14 The 3-Tier Architecture - is it hardware or software?
15 The 3-Tier Architecture - some criticisms of Compuware's approach
(updated 27th June 2002)
16 Using variable-length fields in your database
17 Development Standards - Limitation or Inspiration?
(updated 22nd January 2005)
18 How not to implement the 3 Tier architecture in UNIFACE
19 Using XSL and XML to generate dynamic web pages from UNIFACE
20 UNIFACE is not a Rapid Application Development tool
21 The Relational Data Model, Normalisation and effective Database Design
