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Update/Modify Forms

For an overview of Update/Modify forms please go here.

X_Mod1 - modify PERSON


This form will retrieve the occurrence specified in the parent form and allow it to be modified.

After the database is updated a message is sent to the parent form so that it can alter its contents to reflect the change.

Person Type can be cleared and a new value obtained from popup X_POP1.

Node Description can be cleared and a new value obtained from popup X_TREE_POP1.

The address can be updated using form X_MOD1_2.

X_Mod1_2 - modify PERS_ADDR


This form will retrieve the occurrence specified in the parent form and allow it to be modified.

X_Mod1_3 - modify TREE_TYPE


This form will retrieve the occurrence specified in the parent form and allow it to be modified.

X_Mod1_4 - modify TREE_LEVEL


This form will retrieve the occurrence specified in the parent form and allow it to be modified.

X_Mod1_5 - modify TREE_LEVEL sequence


This will show all available TREE LEVELS for the selected TREE TYPE and allow their sequence numbers to be altered.

If any adjacent LEVELS are separated then hidden form X_HID3 will be called to examine all the NODES within this TREE TYPE and clear the contents of NODE_ID_SNR if that NODE_ID no longer belongs to the next LEVEL up.

X_Mod1_6 - modify TREE_NODE


This form will retrieve the occurrence specified in the parent form and allow it to be modified.

X_Mod1_7 - modify OPTION_VALUE


This form will retrieve the occurrence specified in the parent form and allow it to be modified.

X_Mod2 - modify CONTROL record


Each value within this screen is stored in a separate occurrence in the X_CONTROL table (where RECORD_ID='CONTROL').

This will retrieve all those occurrences and display those values where a corresponding field name has been included in the screen.

If the OK button is pressed any changed values will be updated on the relevant occurrence.

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